meet the somms

House Sommelier Connor (Left) and Henry G's General Manager Jack (Right)

21st August — 2024

At Henry G’s, wine is at the forefront of almost all our guests' experience, and who better to lead these moments than our General manager Jack and in-house sommelier Connor! In this interview, Jack and Connor share insights, wine recommendations and experiences in an industry that is ever-evolving and changing.


Do you have a go-to wine?


For me, it's hard to have something to go to. The nature of the job allows me to try so many amazing wines and always have my finger on the pulse, or on the glass!. At the moment I have found myself drinking Chenin Blanc and Garganega, contrary to what many may think, I will drink white no matter the weather.


Same as Jack here, I have no go-to other than something delicious, good juice is good juice and I always feel like something tasty. That being said, at the moment, I'm really drawn to textural and decadent whites, like the Farr Viognier or a cheeky little aged riesling- kerosene and peach for days!

What drew you into the world of wine?


I have been in the high end hospitality sector for over 18 years, wine came secondary to me initially, working in some of the best restaurants, for some of the best chefs and sommeliers in the country and abroad. It didn't take me long to fall in love with wine, the complexities, profiles and all the amazing flavours that one can dive into when it comes to wine. It has only grown over the years and will continue to drive me to further develop my palate.


I grew up surrounded by booze, celebrations, commiserations or even just a Tuesday, with this came a lot of respect for what's in the glass and why it tastes good. I began my adventure into the wonderful world of Hospo through bartending and found myself drawn to wine more and more as something to be enjoyed together. I love the notion of sharing something that takes you back to a moment in time and place where nothing else matters other than the liquid and the company.

How do you think the role of Sommelier contributes to the overall customer experience?


Having my colleague, Connor, as the real wine OG has further helped me on my journey thus translates to our guests here at Henry G's. Wine is subjective, not everyone will taste or experience wine in the same way I might, this being said, taking our guests on a journey is my passion and assisting someone and imparting my knowledge gives me great satisfaction.


The role of Somm has shifted a lot over the years and I think every sommelier interprets their service, style and nuance differently. My idea behind the role is to make an impact, if i can make someone's day a little better, introduce them to something they never even had on their radar or even just teach them a fun dinner party fact, my job is done. At the end of the day Im here to get you into a wine you want to enjoy and to make your day better for having interacted with us.

“As tyrion lannister espoused, 'I drink and I know things'“

How do you stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the wine industry?


We are lucky to work closely with some amazing reps and wineries, tasting wines that we may want to showcase on our list. There are also a number of trade shows from certain suppliers throughout the year. It's always a great experience to see so many great producers under one roof. It's a tough job but someone has to do it!


As Tyrion Lannister espoused, 'I drink and I know things', development and growth within the industry really ties in with your own goals. Personally, I have taken the WSET stream and have made it to the penultimate level, and my study, in my eyes, has now transitioned to guest focus and list development. It is always a good idea to follow other colleagues, publications and suppliers on social media to stay fully abreast of trends, especially coming out of the US and UK as they have always been a real zeitgeist and litmus for the coming drinking climate in Australia.

What advice would you have for someone new to wine, or knows very little that would like to learn more (besides attending one of our Wine Masterclasses)?


Apart from coming down and having a chat to us here at Henry G's, whenever you attend a venue or a bespoke cellar shop that has a sommelier on hand, have a chat, from personal experience, they are more than happy to impart knowledge and they will each be different from the next. Better yet, just come and see us!


Find a bottle shop, it doesn't necessarily have to be local, but acquaint yourself with the team and listen to them. My go to is Winona in Manly, the team down there are incredibly knowledgeable and always on top of new arrivals, vintage releases and back vintage collections. Outside of that, drink everything put in front of you, even if it's not necessarily to your taste, think about the wine and its layers, nuance and then spit it out, sometimes it's more important to know what you don't like rather than what you do.

“Sitting there surrounded by your nearest and dearest could make fruity lexia taste like friulano!”

Can you describe the greatest wine and wine experience that you have ever had?


Despite what many may think, the best times I get to try and enjoy wines is when I am at a large family gathering. We all bring a few bottles of wine from our cellars, sit around as a family, discuss each wine and enjoy each other's company and always with some amazing food!


Much like Jack, memories (as foggy as they are) from Christmas Eves gone by with the extended adopted family. Sitting there surrounded by your nearest and dearest could make fruity lexia taste like friulano! A very special bottle of 1996 Mt Mary Chardonnay comes to mind, well past its best but the novelty, excitement and company make it an incredibly memorable wine.

To ask Jack and Connor’s about all things wine, or try one of their recommendations visit Henry G’s from Tuesday to Friday from 4pm and Saturday to Sunday from 2pm! Reservations recommended and walk-ins welcome